Final Post: Our Relationship With Technology


Our Relationship With Technology

    We've talked throughout this blog about the ups and downs of technology use. It something that's so complex because it has massive positives and negatives and is something we use everyday so it can define our lives depending on how we use it. Firsly I'd like to talk about society as a whole (using my generation as a baseline) then go into my personal use as well as a bit about my family. 

     My generation's realationship with technology is the most concerning out of society. Many elderly people don't use technology like smartphones with the full capabilities installed and my parents generation didn't have social media so they didn't need to worry about how it would affect their future for example. However my generation is the first that is taking full advatage of social media. However if they were being cautious about what they were posting you'd think it's opposite day. Many are posting quite revealing photos or drinking alcohol underage. The main issue is these are college students who are getting a job in a few years. If employers look them up and see this the chances of some kids getting hired are null and void. It's a difficult issue beause it's basically impossibe to get rid of someithing once you post. Thus young adults and onward should be extremely careful of what they're sharing and who can see it. 


     It's ironic to think that my generation knows the most about social media and yet are so brazen to put things up for the world to see. My parents generation doesn't typically use social media as much and are much more aware of the dangers. There's also the more broader issues of cyberbulling, and even revenge porn. These are severe but because they're new in the grand scheme of things we as humanity are still struggling with how exactly to deal with them. They can have drastic consequences to peoples lives and yet we have no concrete method to take care of them. 

    In terms of my use of tchnology I'll admit I have fallen the social media rabbit hole. I have most of the big names and use them typically to pass time or am just bored. I think especially during the semmer this holds true. However I like to think I'm much more careful when I post online. My rule is would my grandparents approve. If yes then I can post it. If not then no. My family has an interesting relationship with social media. He only likes posts from his work and nothing elsse. Most likely to prevent bias from slipping into his account. He also uses Linkdin for his job as well which is very helpful site that frankly I should use more often. 

   The main irony of technology to me is that it's so vast and can be used for so much however in the modern day the averaage person's scope is limited. Social media, work and communication as well as the odd Google search is the cats meow when there's so many other functions that can be used. Think about learning a new skill, hobby or even language. There's so much knowlege out there any yet so much is untapped. If we as a society used technology for more than short terms pleasures we could build a brighter future like the one envisioned almost 60 years go to spark imagination beyond our wildest dreams.   

Thank you for reading!



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