Blog Post 9: In the Age of AI


In the Age of AI 

    The PBS documentary titled In the Age of AI did a great job providing a general overview of the problems facing the world related to AI and in particular how it affects privacy. The documentary first discusses the very pressing concern of AI integration in jobs. The doc goes into detail stating that there are already factories of robots doing things like checkout or working in grocery stores. This is something that I feel as though is lost on the general public. These integrations aren't a future thing and are already happening. This is extra concerning to the fact that economically people aren't doing to hot recently. The phrase the rich get richer and the poorer get poorer is all to accurate. If AI take the jobs like the a supermarket employee and working in fast food industry then those people will be out of a job and hard pressed to find a new one. The reason these changes would be happening is simple: less workers gives more money to the higher ups. Speaking of money....

    The issue noted more frequently in the public sphere is the issue of privacy. Massive tech companies are using data scientists more than ever to track user’s digital footprint in order give the relevant content and of course advertise to them. While this could be considered helpful as it give the end user a custom experience, it also is a double edged sword as now giant tech companies can use and sell your data for profit. This has always been a hot button topic and companies like Google have been doing this since the early 2000s. However with AI integration the data and tracking becomes even more commonplace and concerning.

      The future of AI and how it affects the average user seems frightening. While many experts are concerned and trying to pass legislation many in big tech are pushing back in order to continue using their highly profitable methods to “improve the user experience.” It’s early on in the AI age and already a digital brawl is brewing not just between those in America but the whole world. 

The full documentary here:


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