Blog Post 6: Innovation Through Diffusion Theory


AI: It' Innovation and Controversy 

     One of the biggest innovations of our time is AI. Type in a prompt or question and AI can work with it and create a description or answer to whatever you ask It can also be used to create so called art which will not be discuused here. In this case I will mainly be discussing AI use in acadamia as that's one of it's most well known uses. 

    The reason why it caught is because frankly it's easy. Students natrually want to find loopholes. Cheating of other students or online was the typical way this was a acheived. However this method is quite easy to figure out and if a new method were to come along then those people who typically cheat would be the early adopters more than likely. AI is basically an easier (and for a while more foolproof) way of cheating. Since as long as you have a computer you enter a question and a second later get an answer. No other source like a extra sheet of paper or other student is required. 

    Well we know that early adopters would most likely be people who already are cheaters. What about late adopters? These would be people who didn't cheat because of fear of getting caught or those who maybe didn't see AI as cheating like the other methods. The ease of access would allow it to spread around college campuses. Those students who got satisfaction out of creating their own work and getting success from that would not adopt AI at all and be staunch advocates against it as it trivilizes hard work with auto-generated responses that can even be false.Thus instead of using this innovation to get around doing work those who don't adopt the technology continue their academic career with honest effort and resolve to work hard. 


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