Blog Post 8: The Strong AntiWar Views You Never See


The Strong AntiWar Views You Never See

    In the world of the internet it's easy to get all the information you need right at your fingertips. News, entertainment and the happenings of your friends and family are a click away. However the internet is vast and not everything can be on the front page. Stronger views typically don't get as much traction as many stray on the path of least resistance and accept coomonplace views much easier. In the case of the conflict occuring in Isreal and Palastine this holds more truth now than ever with the AntiWar movement. 

    However this didn't always hold true. In the 1960s and 70s the Antiwar movement was extremely prevalent in the public conscious. However nowadays the only sites the really hold these strong views are on quite obsure sites. Places like and The American Conservative are the places to go for these strong views and are mostly out of the public eye. 


    The reason that you and I have most likely never heard of these websites is two fold. Firstly the giant companies like CNN, Fox, ABC and so many others have a sort monopoly on mass media.  They're the places everyone goes to for news and people natrually find them trust worthy and begin to spout whatever they here from there. This leads into the second point. Because mostpeople have already taken the two popular positions on a topic from mass media (left vs. right) that leaves other more strong views (like antiwar views for example) to be completely out of the question for the average American. People who hold these view most likely don't watch or don't like the bigger media companies so they flock to smaller sites where people share their stronger views. This segragation in where people get their news and viewpoints is part of the reason things are so divided. If all groups tried to learn from one another and seek out different viewpoints we would have a brighter more understanding society. Hopefully that day is soon to come. 


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