Blog Post 4: Privacy Online and Off


Privacy Online and Off

    In the age of digital technology many take what they do online for granted. Whether it be a quick messsage, post or even ones own likeness, everything online is permenant and could have massive implication for your future carrer path or how others perceive you in society. As a member of such and age it's up to us to understand how our privacy is being exploited, how it affects our day to day lives and what we can do to prevent it from occuring more and more. 

    You may that these issues are far less important to you as your accounts are protected and only friends can access. However that couldn't be further from the truth. What about when you're replying to a simple comment on a public forum or even posting a photo for whatever purpose? Those things and everything else you do can be seen. The issue affects college students more than ever as what you put out online depicts to others what kind of person you are. Potential hiring positions can be swept away because someone just so happened to see a photo of you drinking at age 17 or a photo where minimal clothing is put on. This affects everyone trying to get a job and people who are of couse just trying to live day to day with a solid image of themselves. 

    The government should definitely be much more involved in privacy especially in cases that are criminal. For example one of the videos discussed revenge porn. In that scenario which can ruin lives very little legislation is really in place for situations like this. The government should be doing more in the case of just generally protecting online privacy that helps people to not have information leaked to places where it shouldn't be. It would be hard with the nature of the internet and how things spread but more discussions with social media companies like Facebook and Tiktok are in play today and will no doubt continue which is surely a step in the right direction. 

    The main thing to do to protect your privacy is to use tools that are equipped with good security and leave the others behind. Things like messages and facetime over many others apps will help to keep all of your communication history secure. By doing this and fighting for more legislation to protect online privacy we can keep us and our community safe.


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