
Showing posts from July, 2024

Final Post: Our Relationship With Technology

 07/08/2024 Our Relationship With Technology     We've talked throughout this blog about the ups and downs of technology use. It something that's so complex because it has massive positives and negatives and is something we use everyday so it can define our lives depending on how we use it. Firsly I'd like to talk about society as a whole (using my generation as a baseline) then go into my personal use as well as a bit about my family.        My generation's realationship with technology is the most concerning out of society. Many elderly people don't use technology like smartphones with the full capabilities installed and my parents generation didn't have social media so they didn't need to worry about how it would affect their future for example. However my generation is the first that is taking full advatage of social media. However if they were being cautious about what they were posting you'd think it's opposite day. Many are posting quite revea

Blog Post 8: The Strong AntiWar Views You Never See

 07/07/202 The Strong AntiWar Views You Never See     In the world of the internet it's easy to get all the information you need right at your fingertips. News, entertainment and the happenings of your friends and family are a click away. However the internet is vast and not everything can be on the front page. Stronger views typically don't get as much traction as many stray on the path of least resistance and accept coomonplace views much easier. In the case of the conflict occuring in Isreal and Palastine this holds more truth now than ever with the AntiWar movement.      However this didn't always hold true. In the 1960s and 70s the Antiwar movement was extremely prevalent in the public conscious. However nowadays the only sites the really hold these strong views are on quite obsure sites. Places like  and  The American Conservative  are the places to go for these strong views and are mostly out of the public eye.           The reason that you and I have mo

Blog Post 9: In the Age of AI

 07/07/2024 In the Age of AI      The PBS documentary titled In the Age of AI did a great job providing a general overview of the problems facing the world related to AI and in particular how it affects privacy. The documentary first discusses the very pressing concern of AI integration in jobs. The doc goes into detail stating that there are already factories of robots doing things like checkout or working in grocery stores. This is something that I feel as though is lost on the general public. These integrations aren't a future thing and are already happening. This is extra concerning to the fact that economically people aren't doing to hot recently. The phrase the rich get richer and the poorer get poorer is all to accurate. If AI take the jobs like the a supermarket employee and working in fast food industry then those people will be out of a job and hard pressed to find a new one. The reason these changes would be happening is simple: less workers gives more money to the

Blog Post 6: Innovation Through Diffusion Theory

 07/03/2024 AI: It' Innovation and Controversy        One of the biggest innovations of our time is AI. Type in a prompt or question and AI can work with it and create a description or answer to whatever you ask It can also be used to create so called art which will not be discuused here. In this case I will mainly be discussing AI use in acadamia as that's one of it's most well known uses.          The reason why it caught is because frankly it's easy. Students natrually want to find loopholes. Cheating of other students or online was the typical way this was a acheived. However this method is quite easy to figure out and if a new method were to come along then those people who typically cheat would be the early adopters more than likely. AI is basically an easier (and for a while more foolproof) way of cheating. Since as long as you have a computer you enter a question and a second later get an answer. No other source like a extra sheet of paper or other student is re

Blog Post 7: EOTO Terms and Concepts

 07/02/2024  Gatekeeping: Does it Have Merit     In our modern era the term gatekeeping gets thrown around quite alot. Many however don't know what it actually is and thus are quick to judge the word. A gatekeeper is someone who controlls access to something. While this might seem quite harsh it's quite common throughtout or society. Specific examples will appear later however it's first important to understand the implications of such a term.        One of the concerns that gatekeeping brings is people being excluded and that people will become further and further apart. There are those who are concerned about minority groups being gatekept from things like popular cultural IPs (more on this later). Others say gatekeeping is a way for people to hold information to themsleves while not sharing it with others. More on the potential flaws of gatekeeping can be found here:     While these may seem