Blog Post 3: The Eight Values of Free Expression


The Eight Values of Free Expression 

    In our modern age the value of free expression seems to go unnoticed despite being one of the core facets of the U.S Constitution. There are in fact many different values of free expression which all acomplish different things. The one that that is the most important to me is promoting inovation. As somewho who values art very highly it's important to give people the freedom to create an innovate either for their own self fullfillment or for the benefit of others. Films are one of those avenues. However in recent years in the film sphere inovation has definitly stagnated with Hollywood trying to reboot or continue already established film franchises instead of establishing new IPs. Scott Mendalson details this phenomenon in more detail here: By promoting innovation it can allow for smaller directors and writers to create idea that are new and unique and push the medium forward. 


     As for a value that feels most important in the modern day I believe the marketplace of ideas. In an time where so many try to push falsehoods against truth for whatever cause they are championing it's important to allow for theTh free flow of ideas so that truth may eventually reign surpreme regardless of whatver position is being taken.  This is especially the case with the many conflicts happening around the world and many options of varying degress of truth being shared. Therefore it is important to allow for the freeflow of many ideas to be able to discern what is truth and what can be safely disregarded. 

    However there is one that I really don't see alotf today and that is the idea of promoting tolerance. The idea that if we allow things maybe we don't find as appealing or even appropriete can help to improve other areas of our life. For example tolerance to other groups or cultures who may differ from our own can help us appreciate the differences that we posess. Tolerance to other points of view to allow for dialogue and discussion to eventually "find the truth" as mentioned earlier. One of things that has led to this is the advent of social media. Due to the fact the people are anonymous it allows people to hide behind a screen and to be completely intolerate of other people. Because your identity is hidden you are able to spew heinous things with little regard for whatever person my be behind the online avatar. This also can apply to discussion with other people online as well. You have visual of how the person feels or how passionate they are on a topic thus can't possibly discuss in the best faith possible. This value of tolerance goes in tandem with free expression. If your able to be tolerant of others and their thoughts and viewpoints you can then exchange ideas with others in a cordial manner. If your able to be tolerant of others and their thoughts and viewpoints you can then exchange. Knox Thomas talk more about teaching tolerance early to prepare the next generation for the future  here:




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