Blog Post 2: The Inner Workings of the Supreme Court.


The Inner Workings of the Supreme Court 

One of the main things I learned about the Supreme Court is how problems come to them. They can't voice any issue on their own, instead the issues are brought to them. The justices receive them each week by the dozens. The issues typically are from citizens frusterated with other courts. Although the justices give careful consideration to each case very little continue past the first inspection. In fact out of the thousands sent typically only 100 are really given serious deliberation after which was something I was unaware of. 

The most important take away I learned was just about the nature of being a Justice. Many don't remember but they are people too not autonmous robots who look at a case once at just decide then and there. They understand that the American people are depending on them for a decision that will affection millions of peoples lives and do not take it lightly. They deliberate for hours and even bring in attornys to hear the more "human" side of things. 

The most surprising think that I learned was the fact that one of the justices has to write an opinion piece after the decision was made. The piece can be a few pages to even 80+ pages long for a difficult case. These seems self evident after watching the whole video but I was shocked to here this in real time. It makes sense considering all the deliberation the justices have to do that they would have to give in depth explanation as to why they made their decision. 

I think the video totally changed my view of the Supreme Court. I really didn't know the inner workings very well and how much they do. The justices have so much respect for one another while also having many disagreements. The amount of cases that actually come in and they have to deal with seems so daunting and having to decide which ones to pay special attention to when the issues could affect a vast amount of people. I think I came out with much more respect for the important work they do than when I first started learning about them. 

For more on the Supreme Court and it's important work visit


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