Blog Post 1: My Top Five News Sources


 My Top Five News Sources

In an era with such easy access to any and all news happening around the globe, one might think that the youth of our era might take advantage of such a great opportunity to learn about the happenings of the world around us. However short form content like Tiktok has taken over the attention of many young minds. Other social media platforms have also been playing their part in attracting younger viewers to short form content, leading to shorter attention spans. Platforms like Instagram have been doing this with their addictive scrolling and endless posts, keeping younger adults and teens entranced. Although this is a prominent way of getting information today, there is still an audience for the news. While I don't keep up with local or global news as much as I should, I have watched enough to put a top five list together for you today. 

Number 5: CNN and Fox News

Now to say I actively view any content from either of the sites would be a stretch (hence the placement), the main way I really consume either of these two sites is merely by happenstance. Typically they're on at my grandparents house, a private buisness, or even High Point University's very own cafe. I don't actively pay attention when watching which is another factor towards their placement. I'm really not a fan of biased news and would just rather watch a more unbaised source that isn't so focused on attracting viewers from their side of the aisle. In terms of recommending them I can't say I really reccomend either. I guess they're so bad at hiding their politcal biases it's almost comical. Other than that I'd steer clear. 

Number 4: Tiktok 

Yes even I've fallen victim to using Tiktok as a source of news. It's so easy to do. You simply scroll until you happen to stumble upon news. However it's not particularly deep (like most content on the site). Many news sources use Tiktok to spread news so it's more of a platform for other sites to spread news than a news source itself. Typically it's just breaking news with a few seconds of context. It's main goal is just to get easy clicks, views, and to go viral as soon as possible. It is also important to note Tiktok has a lot of false news, making it important to differentiate fact versus fiction or verifying with another source. If I were to vouch for it, it could be a way to discover a topic but should never be treated as it's way to fully explore one.  

Number 3: Wave 3 News

While it's a source I don't use much anymore, it was an important part of my childhood. It's one of the biggest local news stations in Louisville. I used to watch it at my grandparents house all the time. I mainly watched it to catch up on the news of the day, but it was also very informative during the Kentucky Derby Festival that takes place every May. It always discusses recent events so you never feel as you're behind on what's happening in the day. It's a great source for all things Louisville however I think there's a better one coming up soon.

Number 2: WLKY

Speaking of a better local news source for Louisville we have WLKY. It's a local news source similar to Wave3 however it has better presentation and also a lot more diverse coverage in my experience. They have quite an in-depth sports section that recently covered the PGA championship. They also have live coverage of The Kentucky Derby and all of it's events leading up to it. It's simply a better version of Wave3 and I've continued to use it throughout my summers home from college.

Number 1: ABC

ABC is my go to for national news. They have immediate national coverage of breaking news stories as well as smaller things affecting certain areas like weather or traffic warnings. They have a presence on many social media platforms making them easily accessible to anyone as well as in depth articles that can be found on their website. I use them for any national story that pops up and their fast accessable coverage makes
 them a great source for any news seeker. 


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